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The NEW AIAM 520 Agency Leadership - VOD

Total Credits: 2 including 2 CE Credit

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AIAM Training
Jeff Odom
2 Hours
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Every successful agency has a great leader. This webinar examines the traits every successful leader needs to possess. Topics include communication, listening, and optimism.


  1. Introduction
    1. Defining a successful agency
    2. Difference between a manager and a leader
    3. What leaders don’t get
    4. Traits of a successful leader
      1. Communicator
      2. Listener
      3. Optimism
  2. Communication
    1. Stats from Peter Drucker
    2. Weekly meetings
      1. Plan in advance
      2. Feedback
      3. Make sure everyone on the same page
      4. Geese example
      5. Ask yourself…What is my desired outcome
        1. What do I want people to feel, think, and do
      6. Build support and acceptance
        1. Difference between compliance and commitment
      7. Four critical aspects of communication
        1. Build Trust
        2. Share information
          1. Communicate the whys behind the whats
          2. Why some leaders don’t share information
            1. Don’t truly believe in their vision
            2. Hate when staff questions by asking why
        3. Provide Feedback
          1. Understandable
          2. Focused
          3. Specific
          4. Substantive
          5. Informative
          6. Ask staff how you’re doing as a leader
        4. Walk the Talk
        5. Communicate the values of the agency
          1. Address the how
            1. How does staff work together
            2. How does staff respond to clients
            3. How does staff respond to feedback
          2. Values vs. Mission Statement
          3. Examples of agency expressing values
          4. Johnson & Johnson example
  3. Listening
    1. Real communication occurs when we truly listening
      1. Listening vs hearing
    2. Requires both physical and mental activity
    3. Interrupting staff
    4. Full attention
    5. Enviromental distraction
    6. Isolating yourself
    7. Body language
    8. Egos
    9. Eye Contact
  4. Optimism
    1. Courage to be optimistic
    2. Shoe company example
    3. University of Pennsylvania study
    4. Three keys to retaining optimism
      1. Attack worry with purposeful action
        1. 40% of worries never happen
        2. 30% of worries cant be changed
        3. 10% of worries are unimportant
        4. 8% of worries are substantial
    5. Take action
      1. Get the facts
      2. Worst case scenarios
      3. Action plans
    6. Negative people
    7. Surround yourself with positive people
    8. Look for the best in others
    9. Southwest Airlines example
  5. Conclusion
    1. Ask yourself…How am I doing as a leader
      1. How is staff performing
      2. Are they learning
      3. Are they managing conflict
      4. Are they solving problems
      5. Are they initiating change
      6. Are they growing as employees
    2. Look back on your leadership career
      1. How many people have you developed
      2. How many people have you influenced
      3. How many people became better leaders because of you

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Jeff Odom's Profile

Jeff Odom Related Seminars and Products

Education Instructor & Insurance Analyst

Florida Association of Insurance Agents

Jeff graduated from FSU in 1988 and began his insurance career as both a general lines and life and health insurance agent with an independent insurance agency. He moved to the education side of insurance by taking a position with the Department of Financial Services (formerly Department of Insurance), working in the continuing education section. Jeff spent his last four years there the administrator of Continuing Education. At FAIA, Jeff's duties include writing, updating, and revising FAIA's Florida Insurance Research Library, and teaching.

State Specific Details

State Approval Information Details KS - This course is approved for 2 hours of credit - #6000114181



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