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The NEW AIAM 410 How Not To Get In Trouble With Your Mouth - VOD

Total Credits: 2 including 2 CE Credit

Average Rating:
AIAM Training
Jeff Odom
2 Hours
Access for 90 day(s) after purchase.


AIAM 420 looks into errors and omissions and how the agency can prepare for any claims. Topics include documentation, highlights of the ISO policy, checklists, and procedure manuals.



  1. Introduction
    1. Lawsuits
      1. Article –Man Sues Everyone
      2. Article-Man Sues Michael Jordan
    1. Language of our own
  2. Characteristics of an insurance contract
    1. Principle of Indemnity
      1. Same financial condition
      2. ACV
      3. Replacement cost
      4. Valued policies
    1. Liability Insurance
      1. Contract of indemnity
      2. Limits
    1. Insurable Interest
      1. Must be present
      2. Gambling
    1. Unilateral Contract
      1. Enforceable promise
      2. Contrast to insured
    1. Conditional Contract
      1. Dependent upon conditions
    1. Personal Contract
      1. Non-transferable
    1. Adhesion
      1. As is policy
    1. Aleatory contract
      1. Unequal transfer
    1. Doctrine of Good Faith
      1. Reliance on statements from insured
      2. Insurer has obligation to refrain from:
        1. Refusing to pay for covered loss
        2. Causing unfounded delay
        3. Deceiving insured
        4. Exercising any unfair advantage
    1. Warranty
      1. Statement of fact
      2. Expressed
      3. Implied
    1. Representation
      1. Truthful completion of the application
    1. Concealment
      1. Willful act of withholding
  3. Highlights of the Insurance Policy
    1. Declaration
    1. Insuring Agreement
    2. Covered Property
    1. Covered Perils
      1. Open Perils
      2. ACV
    1. Exclusions
    1. Definitions
    1. Conditions
    1. Endorsements
  4. Streamlining the Process-Preventing E&O
    1. Documentation
      1. Document Everything
      2. Important aspects
        1. Note the date, time, and duration of conversation
        2. Note name and title of individual
        3. Note where conference took place
        4. Note most important parts of conversation
        5. Follow up to confirm the conversation
      3. Standard conversation form
      4. Risk management approach
        1. Identify risk
        2. Analyze risk
          1. Avoidance
          2. Loss control
          3. Retention
          4. Contractual risk transfer
          5. Insurance
        3. Select the best method for handling the risk
        4. Implement
        5. Monitor
    2. Checklists
      1. Any form of coverage currently in effect for this exposure
      2. Coverage not provided, should it be?
      3. Previously contemplated but not purchased
      4. Coverage modified or dropped
      5. Exposures underinsured or uninsured
    1. Questionnaires
    1. Procedure Manual
      1. Invariable practice
      2. FS 90.406
    1. Limits
      1. E&O Limits
      2. Agent of Record
    1. Signing the Application
    1. Duty to the Insured
      1. Tiara v. Marsh
      2. Special Relationship
        1. Does the agent claim to be an expert
        2. Claimed coverage but did not
        3. Volunteer advise
        4. Length and depth of relationship
        5. Charge fee for advise
    1. Website
      1. Experts
      2. Service second to none
      3. Continually evaluate polices
  5. Conclusion
    1. Unauthorized Entities

Course Materials


Jeff Odom's Profile

Jeff Odom Related Seminars and Products

Education Instructor & Insurance Analyst

Florida Association of Insurance Agents

Jeff graduated from FSU in 1988 and began his insurance career as both a general lines and life and health insurance agent with an independent insurance agency. He moved to the education side of insurance by taking a position with the Department of Financial Services (formerly Department of Insurance), working in the continuing education section. Jeff spent his last four years there the administrator of Continuing Education. At FAIA, Jeff's duties include writing, updating, and revising FAIA's Florida Insurance Research Library, and teaching.

State Specific Details

State Approval Information Details KS - This course is approved for 2 hours of credit - #6000114217



Overall:      4.6

Total Reviews: 154